Tranquil Teen
Before + Concept
Welcome! Glad you are able to join me and I hope you stick around for the next six weeks (well, longer ideally) to see the transformation going on over in mi casa. Listen, I need some help. Seriously. It’s really hard to focus on your own home when you are working on others’. I mean, who wants to work after work? Right?! So, for the first time, I have decided to participate in the One Room Challenge. Oh, and this is the official launch of my blog! Because, why not? I totally have time to add more things to my plate! (Insert eye roll.) Accountability. It’s all about accountability and FINALLY finishing some spaces in my own home. I’m pretty sure I can’t afford to text Teddi every day. (If this is an obscure reference for you, stick around. You’ll learn.)
What is the One Room Challenge, you ask? Great question. ORC happens twice a year-once in Spring and again in Fall. For six short weeks designers are tasked with designing and transforming a space and blogging about the process. Every Wednesday from April 4-May 10 twenty featured designer influencers share their spaces, but on Thursdays it gets really exciting when the internet is FLOODED with all of the talented Guest Participants. (I’m convinced this is how the majority of us get our own homes done.) You can see transformations from bedrooms, to laundry rooms, to bathrooms and kitchens (those last two are for the brave.) At the end, the editorial team over at a little publication called, oh, HOUSE BEAUTIFUL (!!!) choose two Guest Participants to be featured designers for the next challenge. I could be down with that.

Since this is my first plunge into the challenge I’ve chosen to design a bedroom (Hey, don’t judge me. Baby steps.) The lucky “winner” of a room make-over is…drumroll please…my son, Scott! Unfortunately, (or fortunately?) he is the only one of my children with a completely untouched room-which I need to be clear, is totally his own fault. “Why?” you ask. Have you ever asked a teenager a question? If you have, you understand the responsive shrug of the shoulders and mumbled, “I don’t know.” I’ve gotten that response for a good three years now. Well, fortunately for me, I did, finally, get an affirmative response. When I asked what color he wanted to paint his walls, his response was, “white.” White?! Really? Just white? Fabulous. Now what?
Enter One Room Challenge. I intend to make it just that. Six weeks. Blog. White room. Teenager. (Quite possibly the hardest part of the challenge.) In a collaborative process with my most difficult client, I will transform his current blank space into a not-as-blank space by bringing in warmth through nature, texture, and pattern and creating a space of tranquility and solace for a teen faced with all the “noise” of today.
When you’re done envisioning my end space, hop on over to One Room Challenge and check out the talented Featured Designers and all of the other Guest Participants crazy enough to do this with me.
ORC Week 1 | ORC Week 2 | ORC Week 3 | ORC Week 4 | ORC Week 5 | ORC Week 6