Progress + Made
Well, well, well, here we are. Just one week and counting from the final reveal. I’m not gonna lie-I’m still a bit nervous. I have made progress this week though. It’s not pretty, but it’s progress people. Wall got skim-coated and primed, but no wallpaper. The walls got primed and painted-twice-but there isn’t a whole lot to see since it is such a subtle color. The macramé is nearing its end, but I’m only going to give you a sneak peek. It might be the thing I am most excited about in the room. That and the wallcovering have me super stoked.
Yup, just walls.
Last week I promised a super cool story about how we picked paint, so here it goes. A little background and education first. If you are super crunchy and granola, you’ve probably heard about Ayurveda. And if you haven’t, it’s cool, but you’re probably asking Ayur-what?! Well, let me tell you in a nutshell. Ayurveda is an ancient, holistic practice of medicine from India, but encompasses practicing overall wellness. The word Ayurveda means “the science of life” and is based on the belief that all areas of life impact health and that a balance between mind, body and spirit is essential for overall well-being. Simple enough? It truly is fascinating and I could go on for days, but I’ll spare you. “So, what does this have anything to do with the paint?!” Alright, alright, I’ll tell you. In one more second.
In Ayurvedic practice, there are three mind-body types called doshas: Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. Identifying your dosha will help you achieve and maintain overall health and wellness. Seems easy enough, right?! Yeah, right. Well, I have a place for you to start. When I set out to refresh my daughter’s room, I wanted to explore non-toxic and natural products that I could also use with my clients. I didn’t want these products to be the exception to what I normally use, but just what I use with all my clients. One person’s health is just as important as the next and you don’t have to be chemically sensitive to not want to breathe toxins. Duh! (Stay tuned for more on that topic or check out my post on paints to start.) But, back to the doshas. In the search for non-toxic materials, I happened across this company, AFM Safecoat. When I sat down with the owner, Jay, naturally, we spoke about paints. Sure, AMF has a wide variety of paint colors, but the coolest part? Their Ayurveda Essence collection! Color palettes to choose from according to your dosa to help create a healing space. Phew! There it is. Full circle people. I knew I could bring it back. Thanks for hanging in there.
Sooooo, to make this space even more personalized, I had Alexis take the dosha quiz and from there I chose a color that would work within the space. Kapha was her primary dosha and Pitta secondary. Kapha balance can be achieved through use of “bold, stimulating colors, and bright accents,” as stated by AFM. Lucky me that Goldenrod is a Kapha color! And apparently maximalism will be a winner in this space. Oh, guess what else? The Kapha element is water. What?! So crazy. I swear, I did not plan this space after knowing any of this information. I designed based on what I know of Alexis and what she stated in her design interview. Not getting chills? Check out my Week 2 interview; you’ll know what I mean.
Since we have bold stripes and patterned wall covering covered, I opted for a subtle shade for the remaining walls in the space. I chose the Pitta color Dew. I made the mistake of starting to paint in the worst afternoon lighting ever and had to slap up a second coat the next day. The color reads like a warm yellow, grey-green, or crème, depending on the time of day or lighting, so this should be interesting to see once everything else gets in the space…at least you can see the color contrast against the beautifully primed-for-paper walls.
Intrigued? I don’t blame you! Take the quiz above or Google “Dosha self-quiz” to see what your dosha is and deep dive into Ayurveda. (Listen, I had every intent of giving you a link, but since I have no affiliation with these other sites, I’ll let you determine what sites you feel like going to and which you’d rather skip. There are plenty to choose from.) And do me a favor, leave a comment on how this worked for you. I love hearing these types of stories.
Before you delve in to this hippie-dippie stuff, check out the progress the Featured Designers and Guest Participants are making over at One Room Challenge. Will we all finish?! And hit that follow button so that you don’t miss my big reveal next week!
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